Friday, August 28, 2009


This week is one of those great weeks when i get to have my son with me! He has got to be the best kid ever! He is so well mannered, and get very very hyper! Which i guess comes from me.... I know it comes from me and the part of me seems to have been worn out this week. I haven't been the most fun dad this week. I've been working on pictures and other web stuff, trying to get my photography site noticed a bit more. I've spent a lot of time on studying. It takes me a few times of going over something to finally get it and have that - Oh I get it! moment -  Nate has come in quit a few times after school asking for things and I have been in the middle of a frustrating moment which tend to make me ignore everyone and come off a bit...... bitter. I have said I'm sorry to Nate so many times this week! Had to again yesterday. I always tell him, "I'm sorry buddie, I love you a lot, I just gotta get this stuff in my head. Sorry." I took him out last night to a little park after dinner for a tiny bit of fun and shot a few pix and today is a new day! I haven't gotten as much sleep as i would have liked to but, I'm gonna have some fun with Nate and Wendy today. We are going to Adventure Island which happens to one of Nate's favorite places!

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