So, I have been really busy lately and... really lazy as far as blogging is concerned. I just wanna put up really cool pictures on my blog at all times but it takes a few clicks to get those pix up, so I say " I'll do it tomorrow" Right! Never do. So here's what i've been up to. Engagement shoots, pictures of my friends band playing which happen to have been taken with my new Canon 5D mark 2 !!!! love it! I've been selling other cameras, lenses, buying new lenses and lighting to better my photography. I know what you say, "Reid, How can you possibly be any better than you are right now?" I often ask myself that question many times. The answer is always the same. You can always be better than you are. It just takes working harder, which i must admit, scares the hell outta me. I am so lazy sometimes but I also don't ever want to settle for being anything less than the best at everything I do. Kinda contradictory i guess. We want to be great at something but we don't want to do the work for it or are too scared at what the sacrifices might be. We are too content living our lives the same way we always have and living on our past accomplishments or failures. I say Screw the past and better yourself every day! If you messed up on something in life, Forget it and make things better! Redo it! If you have done something great and are living off that, Keep going and make things greater! Don't ever stop bettering yourself. there's so much we can all become. I have always come across situations when people say I can't do something because of one reason or another. I say, Why not?! I can do anything I want, What's holding me back? Doubt that we can be anything beyond what we currently are is what holds us back. I was told it would be too hard to start a window cleaning business and that i didn't know anything about business and it would fail. Truth be told...I don't know a thing about business! BUT I have had a good window cleaning business for 5 years now. I also Don't know a thing about the wedding business but I'm in my second year and booking up. I don't know business at all, but i do know people and how to connect with them. Connecting is the most important part. Connect and make new friends in everything you are doing. Let people know you care about them and what's happening in their lives, and that you would love to be a part of their lives, and really mean it! And then of course, Pray and live your life well, do good to others, always go the extra mile even if you don't feel like it. It will mean so much to that person you are helping. OK, thats a lot of thoughts for the day. And thats a typical day for me! I have a ton i'm thinking. So.... Better yourself with God's help and Love other people.